Library Sections & Staff

Meet the people behind EnggLib.

UP EnggLib's push for innovation and excellence is driven by outstanding professional librarians and staff working together in realizing the Library's vision.

Acquisitions Section

The Acquisitions Section is responsible in the collection development and maintenance of the UP College of Engineering Library. It facilitates collection advancement through user needs analysis, selection, acquisition, and deselection of print and electronic resources. Moreover, it aims to meet the information needs of the library's clientele by upholding the University Library's Collection Development Policy and by coordinating with the Library Faculty Committee (LFC), different sections of the library, other unit libraries and offices, and its stakeholders.

This section serves as the coordinator for the activities of the Library Faculty Committee (LFC) and provides administrative and logistics support in all of its activities. It is also responsible of bookkeeping of library fund and providing LFC representatives of library fund status reports for their information and guidance in the library fund management of the respective departments.

Main Functions
Function 1: Collection Development
Category 1: Facilitating the selection of print and non-print library materials

  1. Disseminating selection tools and aids to the different departments
  2. Gathering requests of departments and accomplishing the Faculty Requests for Purchase (FRP)
  3. Bibliographic searching and verification
  4. Organizing library fairs

Category 2: Acquisition of print and non-print library materials
  1. Accepting requested library materials for purchase
  2. Verifying bibliographic information and checking the availability of requested materials
  3. Dealing with suppliers of print and electronic resources
  4. Coordinating with other units and offices (SPMO, ERDT, Accounting, Main-Lib, Unit Libraries)
  5. Preparing Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders of requested library materials
  6. Attending pre-procurement conferences, pre-biddings, and biddings
  7. Preparing and facilitating documents for the procurement of library materials in accordance with RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act)

Category 3: Gifts and Exchange Materials Program
  1. Accepting, acknowledging, and evaluating donated materials
  2. Soliciting and evaluating solicited materials
  3. Endorsing non-engineering materials to corresponding libraries

Category 4: Collection Maintenance (Weeding of Unserviceable Library Materials / Relief from Accountability)
  1. Facilitating documents on weeding of unserviceable library materials and replacing lost and damaged materials in coordination with the Circulation, Serials, Theses, and Cataloging Sections
  2. Facilitating the processing of the documents and coordinating with concerned offices/units (SPMO, COA, MainLib) in relation to the request for relief from accountability for lost and damaged/unserviceable library materials
  3. Establishing, maintaining, and updating the database of weeded out materials
  4. Coordinating with Circulation/Reserve Section in updating the Reserve Book Collection
  5. Coordinating partnership with other institutions through consortia and resource sharing

Category 5: Linkages to other institutions
  1. Maintaining linkages with other libraries with engineering programs
  2. Maintaining linkages with publishers/ suppliers

Function 2: Recording/Accessioning of Newly Added Library Materials (print books, theses, ebooks, CD-ROMs)
  1. Creating a straight list of the newly purchased books & CD-ROM which includes the date accessioned, accession number, call number, author, title, price, department, requester, and subject/course where the said material will be used for.
  2. Creating a straight list of the newly donated books & theses which includes the date accessioned, accession number, call number, author, title, price)
  3. Mechanical processing (accessioning, stamping of ownership, placing of security strips) of print books, theses, and CD-ROMs (purchased & gifts)

Function 3: Library Fund Management
  1. Maintaining, updating, and monitoring the library fund of the different departments
  2. Generating and distributing reports on the status of library fund to the respective LFC representatives, their department chairs and the College Dean

Function 4: Service to the Library Faculty Committee (as coordinator of activities)
  1. Coordinating with LFC members regarding details of LFC meetings/ workshop
  2. Preparing all necessary documents and reports as well as the venue for the LFC meetings and workshops
  3. Recording and disseminating minutes of the meetings

Acquisitions Section Staff

Administrative Service Section

The Administrative Service Section performs vital support services to all sections of the College of Engineering Library namely; a.) Technical Services; b.) Information Technology; c.) User Services; and d.) Archives. The section is under the direct supervision of the Office of the Head Librarian. It supports the overall administration and organizational functions of the Library.

Main Functions
The primary functions of the Administrative Service Section are categorized into the following:
A. Supply and Property
B. Office Records and Files Management
C. Human Resource Organization and Administration
D. Bookkeeping and Monitoring of Funds
E. Building Administration and Site Development
F. General Office Administration and Services

A. Supply and Property

  1. Conducting, reporting and submitting of inventory of supplies and equipment
  2. Preparing and submitting of Annual Procurement Plan for supplies, materials and equipment
  3. Selecting, recommending and reporting equipment for upgrading, repair and condemnation
  4. Purchasing of supplies and equipment
  5. Maintaining, safekeeping and controlling of supplies for distribution to different sections
  6. Requesting and canvassing of quotations of supplies, materials and equipment from suppliers
  7. Preparing of Acknowledgement Receipt of Equipment and Inventory Custodian Slip
  8. Maintaining of lost and found items and disposing of unused materials and supplies

B. Office Records and Files Management
  1. Filing and retrieving of records and files
  2. Checking and verifying forwarded records from sections
  3. Appraising, classifying and mechanically processing the records based on Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (RRDS)
  4. Encoding the description and general information of records to Records and Archives Management System (RAMs)
  5. Conducting of inventory of records

C. Human Resource Organization and Administration
  1. Preparing staff work schedule and assignments
  2. Preparing and submitting of personnel and necessary supporting documents for vacant positions to be filled up and renewed
  3. Preparing and submitting of employment contracts of staff
  4. Updating and maintaining of personnel records and files (201 files)
  5. Collecting, checking and validating of Daily Time Records (DTR)
  6. Processing and recording of application of leave of the staff
  7. Recording of tardiness and undertime incurred by the staff
  8. Assisting in the supervision of student assistants and trainees
  9. Orienting new staff, student assistants and trainees on administrative matters
  10. Collecting and submitting of individual performance ratings and individual and section reports related to Library operations
  11. Coordinating with the Staff Training and Development Committee (STDC) on the schedule of trainings to be attended by the staff
  12. Processing the appointment papers of newly-hired staff
  13. Leading the wellness development and benefits for the staff

D. Bookkeeping and Monitoring of Funds
  1. Collecting and remitting of fines and library fees and payment for lost materials
  2. Preparing and submitting monthly financial report
  3. Bookkeeping and recording of expenses charged to Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), NGSE (National Graduate Studies of Engineering) and Library Trust Funds
  4. Preparing and submitting vouchers and supporting documents for payment

E. Building Administration and Site Development
  1. Upkeeping site development, supervising and maintaining of building and grounds
  2. Leading and overseeing the repairs of facilities, furniture and equipment
  3. Requesting and canvassing of quotations for furniture, equipment and building repairs
  4. Overseeing the maintenance and preservation of equipment, furniture and facilities
  5. Preparing job requests to Building Maintenance Office (BMO) and Campus Maintenance Office (CMO)
  6. Assisting the Building Maintenance Office and Campus Maintenance Office on equipment, furniture, facilities and building repair and maintenance
  7. Preparing the monthly facilities and maintenance report
  8. Supervising utility and security personnel and services
  9. Conducting and leading the training on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  10. Collecting, maintaining and disposing of e-waste materials

F. General Office Administration and Services
  1. Monitoring the calendar of activities and arranging the schedule of meetings of the Head Librarian, section heads and library committees
  2. Receiving telephone calls, communications and visitors
  3. Recording, sorting and distributing of incoming and outgoing documents and files
  4. Disseminating information and urgent matters to the staff
  5. Preparing correspondence, memoranda and endorsements
  6. Receiving and coordinating facility reservation
  7. Implementing library policies, rules and regulations

Administrative Service Section Staff

Archives Section

The Archives Section serves as a repository of the records and materials with significant historical/research value, produced and received by the College of Engineering Library and by the college as a whole. It preserves institutional memory with continuing value which includes historical collections and official publications such as newsletters, publications, yearbooks, pamphlets; print miscellaneous and published materials. Likewise, materials created for short term use but historically valuable as illustrations of past events and activities such as advertisements, posters, broadsides, cards, brochures, memorabilia, plaques, trophies, pins, and photographs; and other materials deemed necessary to house are in the section.

Main Functions
A. Organization and access management
B. Preservation of the archival collection
C. Promotion and marketing

A. Organization and access management

  1. Acquiring of archival records and materials produced and received by the College of Engineering (i.e., College-related and Library-related materials)
  2. Appraising and classifying the archival records based on the Records Retention and Disposition Schedules (RRDS)
  3. Processing of the archival collection technically and mechanically
  4. Indexing the College-related materials in the integrated library system (iLib)
  5. Encoding of the bibliographic information of the Library-related materials to the Records and Archives Management System (RAMS) and archival materials to the iLib (College-related materials)
  6. Updating the RRDS
  7. Conducting inventory of the archival materials.
  8. Facilitating efficient archival management for easy access and retrieval of the materials

B. Preservation of the archival collection
  1. Preserving and conserving of the archival collection
  2. Maintaining the Digital Institutional Repository (DIR) by updating the list of faculty works and publications

C. Promotion and marketing
  1. Organizing exhibits of the archival collection
  2. Featuring works of notable collection through social media account

Archives Section Staff

Cataloging Section

The Cataloging Section organizes the library collections for use through cataloging and classification thus making resources available by author, title, and subject form through the Open Public Access Catalog (OPAC). It also produces and maintains catalogs, indexes, and tools; and prepares resources ready for access at reader's services.

Main Functions
A. Classifying and cataloging of library collection, specifically books, eBooks, theses, feasibility studies, plant designs, in-analytics and other archival materials

  1. Searching and verifying bibliographic data against OPAC and other cataloging tools
  2. Creation/addition of bibliographic records in the iLib cataloging module
  3. Provision of call number and subject headings
  4. Classification of books according to circulation type
  5. Registering for accompanying websites and preparing access kits

B. Maintaining catalogs, indexes, and online databases
  1. Preparing and filing of union shelflist cards
  2. Submitting MARC records and shelflist cards to the University Library
  3. Updating/editing of existing bibliographic records/entries in databases and shelflist cards
  4. Updating bibliographic records and cards of discarded, relieved, and relocated materials

C. Mechanical / physical processing
  1. Preparing and affixing labels, book cards, book pockets, and date due slips
  2. Covering and sensitizing materials
  3. Processing of accompanying materials (CDs, DVDs, plans, etc.)

Cataloging Section Staff

Circulation and Reserve Section

The Circulation and Reserve Section provides users with an updated collection of library materials, efficient and helpful services, and an organized environment to support their learning, research and information needs.

Main Functions
A. Lending, returning & renewing library materials

  1. Paging Reserve and Rare books
  2. Assisting users in locating library materials
  3. Facilitating interlibrary loans
  4. print materials

B. Updating Reserve/ Circulation collection
  1. Providing list of books with newer editions/ additional copies of Reserve books to be forwarded to Acquisitions Section
  2. Transferring of resources from Regular Circulation to Reserve or vice versa
  3. Updating the master list of Reserve books
  4. Posting new library acquisitions
  5. Updating of newly acquired books display
  6. Coordinating with the faculty members in identifying books for additional purchase and books for transfer to the Reserve collection

C. Collection maintenance and preservation of collection
  1. Gathering and sorting of books for shelving
  2. Shelving and shelf reading
  3. Recommending and preparing list of library materials for binding/rebinding
  4. Refurbishing and repairing of library materials
  5. Conducting inventory of the collection at the end of every semester
  6. Identifying and preparing list of unserviceable materials for weeding with approval of the faculty before forwarding to the Acquisitions section
  7. Duplicating accompanying materials

D. UP ID Registration, issuing temporary IDs and clearances
  1. UP IDs registration
  2. Updating the student records
  3. Issuing temporary IDs
  4. Issuing clearances

E. Computing and collecting library fees, etc.
  1. Computing, collecting library fines/ fees and payments for lost books, etc.
  2. Reporting accurate collection fines/ fees and payments for lost books, etc.

F. Recalling of overdue materials
  1. Sending notices through email, phone, text, letters to library borrowers with library accountabilities
  2. Recalling of overdue materials within a week after the last day of borrowing
  3. Tagging of students with library accountabilities at CRS database

G. Search for Best Borrowers
  1. Identifying students and faculty who have demonstrated and maximized the use of materials by returning the most number of loaned books on time
  2. Awarding of winners with certificates and prizes

H. Providing miscellaneous services
  1. Lending the following:
    a. Umbrellas
    b. Reading glasses
    c. Book rests
    d. Scientific Calculators
    e. Extension cords & adapters
    f. Laptops
  2. Monitoring of Discussion rooms
  3. Monitoring energy/electricity usage

Circulation and Reserve Section Staff

Information Services Section

The Information Services Section is primarily responsible in providing guidance and assistance for the efficient access of library services and use of resources by the library users. It is also in charge of promoting the library's services, resources, advocacies and events.

Main Functions: Creating, developing, and providing information packages to meet the library users' information and research needs.
A. Information Literacy

  1. Conducting library orientations, trainings, and tours for faculty members, students, Library and Information Science professionals and students, alumni, and visitors from abroad
  2. Providing assistance to library users to help them locate, evaluate, and use information ethically and legally

B. Information Services
  1. Providing ready and real-time answers to queries received in person and through various forms of media (e.g., email, chat, phone, mobile, and social networks)
  2. Facilitating document delivery
  3. Coordinating interlibrary loan requests to the Circulation section

C. Marketing and Promotion
  1. Developing and implementing marketing strategies in the promotion of library resources, services, facilities, advocacies, and events
  2. Producing and updating library information materials (e.g., Library Primer, Brochures, Pathfinders, etc.)
  3. Maintaining the library's social media accounts and websites
  4. Producing and posting publicity materials featuring the library's resources, services, facilities, advocacies, events, and announcements
  5. Conducting library survey and gathering feedback
  6. Preparing entries for submission to award-giving bodies

D. Documentation
  1. Generating reports by coordinating with resource providers
  2. Recording received queries in the Libstats Database
  3. Coordinating with the section heads in the consolidation of Manual of procedures
  4. Preparing reports and articles related to the library's various activities
  5. Organizing photos, invitations, and programs

E. E-resources Content and Access Management
  1. Performing a weekly e-resources check up
  2. Coordinating with resource providers to ensure continued access to e-resources
  3. Updating e-resources database profile and maintaining administrative accounts for all e-resources databases
  4. Sending remote access guide to the faculty members and students of the UP College of Engineering
  5. Evaluating and updating online open access references and sources to be included in the website and eGateway portal

Information Services Section Staff

Information Systems and Network Section

The Information Systems and Network Section of the UP College of Engineering Library is responsible for initiating, coordinating, and leading the automation, modernization, and information and communications technology (ICT) projects and activities of the Library, in accordance with the Library's vision and goals. The section is also accountable for ensuring optimal operation and utilization of the Library's IT assets, equipment, and facilities through regular maintenance and responsible use.

Main Functions
A. Information systems and web applications development and improvement

  1. Developing programs and web applications using free and open source software/ technologies
  2. Evaluating and reviewing free and open-source software that can possibly aid in the automation of library operations
  3. Enhancement, troubleshooting and technical maintenance of existing web applications and their corresponding databases, namely:
    • Records and Archives Management System (RAMs)
    • Digital Institutional Repository (DIR)
    • EZproxy and EZauth (Remote Access Portal)
    • eGateway (Portal, Mobile, Manager and Administrator)
    • eNewsClips (DSpace)
    • LibStats
    • Orange HRM
    • Network Storage
    • EnggLibTV
    • Inventory System
    • Cacti
    • IP Manager
    • Web Databases
  4. Writing documentations, procedures, and/or user guides on deployed applications
  5. Conducting training programs on deployed applications and other topics pertaining to automation activities of the library

B. Systems and network services administration
  1. Administering, troubleshooting and maintaining electronic devices related to automation and IT functions of the library, namely:
    • Network servers
    • Core and distribution switches
    • Local area network
    • Wireless network (Ruckus ZoneDirector and Access Points)
    • CCTV System
    • Biometrics DTR
    • Satellite TV
    • VoIP
  2. Documenting changes in network configurations
  3. Providing technical support for problems in LAN and WiFi connection

C. Library websites and social media accounts administration and enhancement
  1. Troubleshooting and technical maintenance of the following sites:
    • EnggLib website
    • ILML Blog (Blogger)
  2. Managing the technical aspect of EnggLib accounts on social media and web services sites, namely
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
    • YouTube
    • Skype
    • Bitly

D. Computers and IT equipment management and administration
  1. Setting up computers to be used as staff workstations, OPAC stations and eReaders (PC, iMac, iPad)
  2. Installing and updating necessary software
  3. Providing technical support for hardware/software problems in staff workstations, OPAC stations, printers, scanners, and other devices
  4. Providing technical specifications and overseeing the bidding of IT equipment
  5. Preparing defective equipment for repair or condemn
  6. Inventory of IT equipment

E. Digitization and technical management of electronic resources (access, storage, preservation)
  1. Downloading e-books from online databases and storing the files in appropriate media (server, portable hard disk, eReaders)
  2. Providing ways for easy access and retrieval of downloaded e-books
  3. Updating list of e-resources in the website, eGateway Portal and EZproxy
  4. Converting files and records from one format to another (printed to digital or digital to another digital format)

Information Systems and Network Services Section Staff

Serials Section

The Serials Section houses the Library's continuing resources in print and electronic, as well as foreign and local scholarly publications in engineering and technology. Students, faculty and researchers stay current on the information scene by reading, browsing and checking out the regular subscriptions of national broadsheets and wide array of international journals and magazine titles. The section is engaged in indexing services which aims for a high level of specificity and in achieving balance between exhaustivity and selectivity of index terms as access points to the documents. The section is also responsible in archiving newspaper clippings of engineering-related articles and for efficient retrieval through eNews Clips database.

Main Functions
A. Organization and Access Management of the Resources
B. Maintenance and Preservation of Materials
C. Collection Development, Promotion and Marketing of Section's Collection and Services

A. Organization and Access Management of the Resources

  1. Processing of the serials collection technically and mechanically
  2. Handling of bound journals and magazines (i.e. collating, accessioning, and stamping of ownership)
  3. Indexing of the collection to create searchable index term or metadata
  4. Encoding the bibliographic information of the perpetual journals in the integrated library system ( iLib)
  5. Migrating newspaper articles metadata from the iLib to eNewsclips database
  6. Updating the list of the collection such as bound and individual titles of journals and magazines, open access links of electronic journals and magazines in the e-Gateway

B. Maintenance and Preservation of Materials
  1. Conducting inventory of serials collection
  2. Searching and verifying the links of the open access electronic journals and magazines for broken or dead links
  3. Archiving newspaper articles by scanning and uploading the digitized copy in the eNewsclips database
  4. Identifying the materials for mending and requesting the materials for rebinding
  5. Identifying and preparing list of unserviceable materials for weeding

C. Collection Development, Promotion and Marketing of Section's Collection and Services
  1. Strengthening of the collections by tapping local and foreign publishers and Engineering Society Groups to provide the Section with complimentary copies of journals
  2. Searching, gathering, and authenticating open access electronic databases for possible inclusion on the list
  3. Assisting in selecting, reviewing and recommending journals for possible purchase
  4. Evaluating the serials collection to determine its strengths and weaknesses
  5. Monitoring the delivery of subscribed, gifts and donated serials collections and making a follow-up on undelivered subscriptions
  6. Facilitating the monitoring and reporting of the use of section's collections, services and facilities
  7. Routing Current Awareness Service on the new acquisitions to students and faculty through the social media accounts

Serials Section Staff

Strategic Communications Section

The Strategic Communication Office shall have the mission of marketing the library as an institution, developing and enhancing EnggLib's branding, organizing events and outreach programs and establishing networks and linkages with other institutions, conducting research and creating publications and other materials for the enhancement of library services, and facilitating efficient internal and external communication through the use of print and social media.

Main Functions
The following are the specific tasks and functions of the Section:
A. Strategic Communication
B. Marketing
C. Research and Publications

A. Strategic Communication

  1. Facilitate efficient organizational communication within the Engineering Library through the dissemination of timely and relevant information.
  2. Engage with communities within and outside the university by conducting outreach programs.

B. Marketing
  1. Develop and maintain a positive image of the Engineering Library through communication and marketing activities.
  2. Promote new and current collections, services and events of the Engineering Library through applicable media and channels
  3. Plan for and provide direction on the production and distribution of Engineering Library promotional items.
  4. Assist Engineering Library Sections in their marketing activities.
  5. Coordinate with dealers, vendors and content providers with marketing and promotion concerns.
  6. Develop, implement and evaluate an effective Library brand.
  7. Evaluate Library communications and marketing activities through research.

C. Research and Publications
  1. Consolidate data and manage annual reports submitted by Engineering Library Sections.
  2. Manage research data provided by entities (personal or corporate) within and outside the Library.
  3. Regularly prepare and manage Engineering Library publications and write articles, press releases, and other related write-ups, as needed.
  4. Identify, propose and implement Library research and projects as the need arises.

Strategic Communications Section Staff

The Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is a dynamic, technology-driven, collaborative learning environment in the library that aims to provide a social learning space for the students' academic, research and other information needs. It serves as a one-stop shop for accessing various resources such as electronic journals, ebooks, podcasts/vodcasts, videos, and other multimedia content. To promote and encourage group learning The Learning Commons is also equipped with adequate and conducive learning spaces for group discussions and activities.

Main Functions
A. Management and maintenance of learning spaces and facilities
Facilitating effective use and maintenance of the following:

  1. Multimedia and collaborative workstations for programming and group project use
  2. Discussion and multimedia rooms with adequate facilities for group learning and other activities
  3. Miscellaneous Services (e.g. printing, scanning, CD burning)

B. Management of multimedia resources and the Web
Enabling effective access to multimedia resources and the web through the following:
  1. Internet portals for research and connecting to the web
  2. Gathering videos/podcasts and making them available to users via posting at the Multimedia bulletin board and loading said resources in eReaders
  3. eReaders for viewing of electronic resources and other multimedia content
  4. Regular showing of film Fridays

C. Information and technical assistance
  1. Assisting students in the access of EnggLib's electronic and multimedia resources
  2. Recommending and assisting in the use of available applications/programs for students' programming/multimedia needs
  3. Assisting students in connecting to EnggLib's wireless networks
  4. Providing technical assistance in using the available computers and printers; use of web browsers and other applications

The Learning Commons Staff

Theses Section

The Theses Section is the repository of the undergraduate, graduate and doctorate works of the two (2) institutes, six (6) departments, and two (2) programs of the College of Engineering. Materials in this section such as feasibility studies, plant designs, theses and dissertations reflect the best works and the brightest minds among students and faculty. Resources can be freely browsed through to find information and insights relevant to the field of study. Collections are for room use only.

Main Functions
A. Collection Development and Access Management
B. Organization, maintenance and preservation of the section's collection
C. Promotion and marketing of section's collection and services
A. Collection development and Access Management

  1. Coordinating with COE departments regarding the submission of undergraduate, graduate theses, and dissertations to the library
  2. Preventing the violations of intellectual property rights by requiring the users to read the reminders in relation to the use of the facilities and collection and providing them the nondisclosure agreement to accomplish before they access the collections
  3. Processing library users request such as accessing the collections, plugging of electricity, and others.
  4. Monitoring the use of library materials and facilities by recording/compiling/consolidating statistics

B. Organization, Maintenance and Preservation of the Section's Collection
  1. Organizing the collection such as theses, dissertations, feasibility studies, plant designs, special projects based on the scheme that would facilitate easy retrieval of the needed materials
  2. Updating the list of the collection in e-Gateway database
  3. Examining the condition of the materials and recommending for rebinding if it is necessary
  4. Archiving of the preliminary pages of the theses, dissertations, feasibility studies, plant designs, special projects, etc.
  5. Migrating the electronic copy of the collections to stable storage systems
  6. Conducting the inventory of the theses collection

C. Promotion and Marketing of Section's Collection and Services
  1. Promoting knowledge and understanding on the guidelines and policies on public access of the collections, issues on plagiarism, intellectual property rights, and proper citations through orientations and creation of publicity materials such as flyers, brochures and posters
  2. Featuring works of notable stakeholders of the College of Engineering through exhibitions and social media accounts

Theses Section Staff